Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The second International Thriller Writer's Conference is over, but it's shockwaves will be felt for months. Ok, that's the thriller writer talking. But seriously. I planned for a year, saved for six months, and all to prepare for one intense week of New York. I met a couple of agents with a promising interest in pitches I gave, met more writers, saw some great panels and learned more than I could cram into my brain; hence a very full notebook, the notes from which I vow to type up before the week is out. (Confession: last year's note are still in a notebook somewhere.)

My search for an editor for "A Night in the Park" was very mixed. Some people asked why I'd need one, others recommended doing whatever it took to get the book out, and one agent said that most agents will edit as part of representation.

I'm daunted, overwhelmed and inspired by return. My house seems messier, my life more complicated, my writing less accomplished. But the dishes and bills and dust can wait. I'm writing as soon as I log off this entry.

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